
Kidney cysts: do not go anxious, but also cause attention

With the progress of doctors to detect technology and the popularity of health examination, the detection rate of renal cysts is getting higher and higher. Almost every person who is told to suffer from renal cysts will ask the doctor the same question: strict serious? Need to be treated? Different types of renal cysts clinical manifestations are different, the prognosis is not the same. Correct treatment of renal cysts is the practice: neither to paralysis, and do not panic.

As soon as possible to find a specialist consultation, in order to obtain the most appropriate treatment programs and life guidance.

Different renal cysts vary

Mr. Zhang took part in the health examination of the unit organization a few days ago. When doing kidney B, the doctor said he had two cysts in the kidney, suggested that he go to the hospital for referral. Yesterday, he specially went to the hospital for treatment, the admissions doctor advised him to regularly review B super, temporarily do not need to deal with.

Ms. Wang is also found in the physical examination with renal cysts away from the hospital. And Mr. Zhang is different, Ms. Wang's kidney cysts, all over the entire kidney. The doctor said she was not suffering from the general renal cysts, but polycystic kidney disease, should be actively treated, or poor prognosis.

Lin aunt two years ago was diagnosed with renal cysts, was not because of cysts, it was not treated. This year, Lin aunt to review, found cysts larger, the doctor advised her to do puncture.

The same is the renal cysts, why treatment is so different? Not say kidney cyst "does not matter", "do not need treatment"? May wish to listen to the doctor's argument.

Renal cysts are generally asymptomatic

Renal cysts can generally be divided into: simple renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease and acquired cystic nephropathy (common in dialysis patients) three categories. Among them, the most common simple renal cysts. When the renal cyst volume is small, generally no symptoms. If you do not do routine physical examination, not easy to be found.

Renal cyst disease progression speed mostly slow. Simple renal cysts generally little change, a small number of patients with cyst size or number can be slightly increased, there are a small number of patients with cysts can be narrowed. The number and size of cysts in patients with polycystic kidney disease increased with age. Acquired cystic nephropathy patients longer dialysis time, the higher the incidence of cysts.

Treatment stress "priorities"

Although the renal cysts are benign, but whether there will be cancer so far controversial. In addition, should also be alert to the possibility of tumor renal cysts. Therefore, renal cyst patients do regular follow-up is very important.

Many patients with renal cysts that the presence of renal cysts, fear; there are many patients after hearing the kidney cyst "does not matter" after the relaxation of vigilance. These two practices are not correct. Treatment of renal cysts, should pay attention to "light", "heavy", "slow", "urgent".

"Light": a small number, smaller, no local pain and other symptoms of simple renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease early renal damage, hypertension, infection, etc., is a "light" disease. Patients only once every six months or one year follow-up once, check the urine, urine culture, renal function, do B-observation of cyst size, shape and internal texture changes, no treatment.

"Heavy": polycystic kidney disease in patients with a wide range of disease, rapid progression of the disease, renal function was impaired, or infection, high blood pressure and other serious complications, is "heavy" disease. Should be timely to accept anti-infection, and even dialysis and other treatment.

"Slow": kidney cyst is a chronic disease, should adhere to regular follow-up. The patient should treat the disease objectively. Especially polycystic kidney disease, be sure to maintain a good mood, and actively cooperate with the treatment.

"Urgent": when the cyst was significantly increased, increased, bleeding, infection and other emergencies, is "urgent" disease. Should be timely medical treatment, active treatment.

Although there is no cure for renal cysts of the special effects, but does not mean that the kidney cysts can only "resigned". When the cysts increased symptoms of compression, timely puncture fluid treatment to prevent impaired renal function; polycystic kidney disease in patients with active treatment of hypertension and other complications, are optional treatment.

Simple renal cysts are not inherited

Most people in the first time that they have kidney cysts, is an adult, very concerned about whether the kidney cysts will be passed to the next generation. Simple renal cysts are acquired, not inherited. Polycystic kidney disease is relatively clear genetic disease. To adult polycystic kidney disease, for example, if one parent is sick, the child's prevalence rate of 50%; parents are sick, the child's prevalence rate of 75%.

How to find kidney disease?

Aunque la nefropatía es numerosa, la etiología es diferente, pero su manifestación clínica tiene características evidentes. Enfermedad renal temprana puede no ser síntomas, muchas personas se encuentran en el examen físico. Reconocer algunas de las manifestaciones clínicas asociadas con la enfermedad renal, puede ayudar a un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento temprano. Los síntomas comunes son los siguientes:
(1) aumentar el número de micción, urgencia y dolor en el tracto urinario, a menudo sugieren la posibilidad de infección del tracto urinario.
(2) la sangre en la orina, que hematuria es la manifestación más común de la enfermedad renal, nefritis aguda y crónica, infecciones del tracto urinario, cálculos del tracto urinario o tumores pueden aparecer hematuria.
(3) aumento de la espuma de orina, a menudo se dice que la orina de la proteína aumentó.
(4) edema del párpado y edema de la extremidad inferior es uno de los síntomas comunes de la enfermedad renal.
(5) dolor de la cintura, sin trauma o historia de la tensión muscular lumbar, preste atención a la situación del riñón. Para verificar la orina y el riñón B ultrasonido o abdominal de rayos X.
(6) aumento de la nicturia, que el día promedio y el volumen de orina durante la noche de la orina es 3-4 veces: una vez, si el desequilibrio, aumento de orina por la noche, a menudo expresadas con insuficiencia renal debe ir al hospital para comprobar la función renal.
    Análisis de orina: proteína de orina (PRO) positiva, hematuria (la BLD), las células urinarias rojos de la sangre (RBC) anormal, o el aumento de glóbulos blancos (WBC) o disminuyen similares.
    Análisis de sangre: creatinina (SCr), nitrógeno ureico (BUN), ácido úrico (UA) aumentará.
    Análisis de gases en sangre: tres líneas para reducir, es decir, glóbulos rojos, glóbulos blancos, trombocitopenia.
    Kidney B-show: parénquima renal ecogénica o atrofia renal, o una colección de sistemas separados, o múltiples quistes o cálculos renales se consideran anormales.
    Medición de la presión arterial: La mayoría de la presión arterial alta, e incluso la hipertensión maligna visible, un pequeño número de casos de ver la presión arterial baja.
    Algunos pacientes también síntomas mixtos secundarios nefropatía asociada y signos, tales como azúcar en la sangre en la nefropatía diabética, la hepatitis B virus asociado a nefropatía aminotransferasa, nefropatía gotosa suele ir acompañada de la artritis reumatoide, cálculos renales, y así sucesivamente.
    Así pues, estas enfermedades deben encontrar la causa, el tratamiento sintomático, pero hay muchas enfermedades no pueden encontrar el origen de la enfermedad, lo que hace que sea difícil de tratar.


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